Upwardly mobile hip hop luminary Allday might be one of the nation's most prominent young stars at the moment but he still puts his pants on one leg at a time like everyone else, so it should come as no surprise that the man struggles with procrastination from time to time.
On the plus side, he's really open and creative about the ways in which he diverts his attention from stuff he should be doing to stuff he wants to do - and thus, we find ourselves with the announcement today of his forthcoming I Should Be Working On My Album But I'm Doing A Tour national tour.
No doubt in desperate need of some time away from the rising pressures of crafting a second album, Allday will be hitting the road for eight dates this May and June, starting off at Adelaide's HQ on Friday, 29 May (licensed all-ages), and clearing two dates each in Fremantle (Metropolis, 30 & 31 May), Brisbane (The Triffid, 4 & 5 June) and Melbourne (170 Russell, 6 & 7 June) - in those cities, his first performance will be an under-18s affair - before wrapping it all up at The Roundhouse, in Sydney, with a licensed all-ages gig on Saturday, 13 June.
Joining Allday for his tour will be fellow up-and-comers Asta and Gill Bates. A special fan ticket pre-sale will commence at 9am this Thursday, 19 March with general-release tickets going on sale from the same time next Monday, 23 March.
Tickets On Sale NOW!