The Guilty Pleasure Tour
Prepare to party with your ultimate guilty pleasure; the U.S. based metalcore act you love to hate (but cannot deny) ATTILA are heading down under next April, ready to pack venues with their irreverent party mosh.

Right on the brink of unleashing their soon-to-be adored new album 'Guilty Pleasure', Attila have soared to the top of their game recently. Frontman Chris 'Fronz' Fronzak tells it like it us with typical confidence; "I still have some ignorant party hits, but I also drop some serious knowledge on this album. Open up your ears and take it all in; we're about to drop the best album of 2014." A promise that will be delivered on very soon, and will leave fans literally salivating for Attila's follow-up tour to their famously crushing 2013 Australian tour.

Guilty Pleasure CD and Mp3 bundles will be available with ticket purchases, and fans that are quick enough will have the opportunity to nab a limited VIP package which includes:

- A Meet & Greet with the Band
- Watch the band soundcheck
- VIP Laminate that grants early entry to show
- Group photo of band & VIP’s
- Signed tour poster

Fresh from headlining the U.S. Monster Energy tour Attila are accustomed to leaving behind piles of smoldering ash in their wake. Prepare yourself for some unforgettable nights out.
Tickets On Sale Now!
08.APR.15The Brightside, BRISBANEQLD
10.APR.15The Cambridge Hotel, NEWCASTLENSW
11.APR.15The Bald Faced Stag, LEICHHARDTNSW
12.APR.15The Bald Faced Stag, LEICHHARDTNSW
14.APR.15Magpies City Club, CANBERRAACT
15.APR.15Arrow On Swanston, CARLTONVIC
16.APR.15Corner Hotel, RICHMONDVIC
17.APR.15Fowlers Live, ADELAIDESA
18.APR.15Amplifier Bar, PERTHWA
