Australian Connexus Conjuration Tour

Australia - prepare for the imminent arrival of one of metal's most cult and influential acts!!

January 2012 will see the legendary mythological black metal occultists Absu perform on Australian soil for the first time – headlining the Australian Connexus Conjuration Tour

Formed in 1991 in the depths of the bleak and arid Texan desert, Absu have immortalised themselves as one of the most important bands in the history of the Black and Underground metal movement; releasing 6 critically acclaimed albums and several Eps and 7”'s in their 20 year career. They are the godfathers of North American black and occult metal – fusing their black metal style with elements of thrash metal, death metal and traditional metal to create a truly original sound. ABSU are set to release their 7th full length album on October 4th through Candlelight Records.

Absu are surrounded by mystique and their cult like status has only been enhanced by the fact that live performances are a rarity and a very special event for both the band and audience.
Australian audiences will be treated to 4 special shows – one each in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart.

For those already fans of Absu this tour will feel long over due; for those whom are as yet uninitiated – get your tickets now and do not miss out!
Absu will be will be joined by Brisbane’s purveyors of spectral damnation Portal, and the Tasmanian dark legion, Ruins - making it a must see event for any true metal fan.

Portal have firmly established themselves as a truly artistic and unique act, achieving cult status within the international underground. Their intense and unnerving live rituals are few and far between – make sure you seize the opportunity to witness their unforgettable and crushing live performance
Ruins have risen to become one of Australia's premier extreme metal acts – treading a fine line between black and death metal with a distinct ‘dont-give-a-fuck’ attitude glueing them together.

Ruins have toured Australia with some of the world’s most influential extreme metal acts such as – Celtic Frost, Immortal and Satyricon – firmly placing them in the elite of the Australian underground. Fans of all forms of heavy, dark and unique music are in for a treat – one that will not come by again. Secure your ticket today to avoid disappointment!

Tickets On Sale Now!
12.Jan.12The Globe Theatre, BRISBANEQLD
13.Jan.12Sandrigham Hotel, SYDNEYNSW
14.Jan.12The East Brunswick Club, MELBOURNEVIC
15.Jan.12Brisbane Hotel, HOBARTTAS
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