Blue Murder and Bombshell presents


NO USE FOR A NAME are touring Australia & NZ this July/August, bringing their storied reputation of debaucherous awesomeness that spans 9 albums, 5 continents and a lineup more ready to shred punk rock songs than almost any other lineup in the history of not only NUFAN, but dare we say it: the entire history of the galaxy.

No, fer real.

Check it: New axe master Chris Rest from Lagwagon and bad-ass drummer Boz Rivera from the Mad Caddies join Tony Sly, who’s pretty much approaching legend status at this point.

And as if that still isn’t enough of an upgrade, Tony went whole hog on bassist Matt Riddle and put him into the hospital where he made him die several times, lose 70 pounds, get rid of his ‘diva-like’ gallbladder and ultimately emerge lean, mean and full of that brand new angst that only getting a seven figure hospital bill can provide.

In every way, shit’s fucking upside down, backwards, faster, tighter, more technical, thinner, and less drunk, and the end results are the dawn of a new and exciting era from a band of legends, all with fresh perspective and a bunch of new reasons to turn up the flame under the NO USE FOR A NAME kettle.

What do you need? A printed invitation? This shit’s gonna be amazing! Don’t be a pussy.

See you at the bar, behind the pit!


23.Jul.11The Zoo, BRISBANEQLD
24.Jul.11Coolangatta Hotel, COOLANGATTAQLD
02.Aug.11The National Hotel, GEELONGVIC
03.Aug.11The Brisbane Hotel, HOBARTTAS
04.Aug.11Uni Bar, ADELAIDESA
04.Aug.11Prince Of Wales Hotel, BUNBURYWA
06.Aug.11Amplifier Bar, PERTHWA
07.Aug.11Annandale Hotel, ANNANDALEWA

Need your live music fix?

Search for PROPAGANDHI here.
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Search for JEBEDIAH here.
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Search for TRIAL KENNEDY here.
Touring May - June 2011
