Triple j, SPA, Roots Level & Atlas Agency present


As Blue King Brown [BKB] prepare for their coveted international performance spots at SxSW [USA], CMW[Canada] and Babel Med [France] through March, they are pleased to announce dates for their first national Australian ‘headline’ tour in eighteen [18] months to officially launch their new album WORLDWIZE PART 1 North & South.

Master musicians of the live circuit, the band is primed to showcase their adrenalising ‘live’ grooves from the highly acclaimed Worldwize album, and remain committed to take their adoring audience on a real life sonic journey, flowing with modern international inspirations from Jamaica & beyond… BKB has achieved much as an independent act – having toured with the likes of Santana, Lauryn Hill and Michael Franti (to name a few) they’ve amassed an enviably large live following.

Slowly-but-surely they have made their mark on audiences globally with headline tours in USA, Canada, Europe, the UK; [selling out their debut London & Canadian shows], and Japan where their second and highly acclaimed album WORLDWIZE has been released.

Locally WORLDWIZE has received 4-star reviews across the board, entered the Top 50 ARIA and AIR charts, continues to remain a consistent seller and in the words of The Music Network magazine “It is only a matter of time before Blue King Brown are platinum-selling mainstays. “ With hard-hitting lyrics and groove, socially aware and active, Blue King Brown is a band that walks their talk on many social issues.

"WORLDWIZE Tour is the first headline tour for Blue King Brown in over a year, so we are feeling very spirited and ready to carry our full show across the country with our swag of 'Worldwize' philosophies, beats, melodies and special guests. We're all about enjoying the energy exchange between our audience and each other, and our live shows are the epicentre of that experience. Fans new and old to Blue King Brown are invited to come hear and feel the live manifestation of what has been an incredible two years of crafting and evolving a diverse and original sounding Australian album that is WORLDWIZE PT1”, says charismatic front woman and founding member Natalie Pa’apa’a.

Blue King Brown will be joined by special guests including Ash Grunwald at the Forum show in Melbourne, Aboriginal hip hop/reggae band Zennith in Cairns and Melbourne based African hip hop artists Diafrix at all shows except Cairns.

A sound unlike any other musical group in Australia, Blue King Brown has broken boundaries with the release of the powerful double-punch that is WORLDWIZE; a bold double disc record with a classy selection of tracks; on Northside is a voice seeking connection, and to the Southside is the yet to be fully discovered irrepressible groove on which it travels. We repeat; LISTEN TO SOUTHSIDE!


13.May.11Waves, TOWRADGINSW
14.May.11Newcastle Panthers Club, NEWCASTLENSW
15.May.11Bellingen Memorial Hall, BELLINGENNSW
19.May.11The Beach Hotel, BYRON BAYNSW
21.May.11Coolangatta Hotel, COOLANGATTAQLD
22.May.11Kings Beach Tavern, CALOUNDRAQLD
26.May.11Uni Bar, HOBARTTAS
27.May.11The Gov, ADELAIDESA
02.Jun.11Metropolis Fremantle, FREMANTLEWA
03.Jun.11The Tivoli, BRISBANEQLD
04.Jun.11The Metro Theatre, SYDNEYNSW

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