For your chance to win a signed CD from OK Go - just purchase tickets via the link below and you will instantly go in to the draw to win a signed copy of OK Go's new CD.

The band are also wanting to give away 4 double passes. For your chance to win - email with the subject heading OK Competition.

OK Go is more than those videos. The band’s frontman Damian Kulash sometimes makes big declarations like “We’re trying to be a DIY band in a post-major label world” or “Our whole bag is having good ideas and making cool crap.”

Some of the other cool stuff they’ve made lately: a record accompanied only by trombones, a play, an essay in the best-selling collection Things I’ve Learned From Women Who Dumped Me, op-eds in the New York Times and Huffington Post. They’ve testified before Congress and played in the Senate chambers. I repeat: they played music in the chambers of the United States Senate. They’ve been commentators on All Things Considered. They interviewed a member of N’Sync in the bathroom of Radio City Music Hall. They have a project where they walk the streets with fans handing out burritos to the homeless. They raised most of the money to buy a house for soul legend Al Johnson, so he could move home to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

All these extracurricular's make a great story, and this is the story that gets the space in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today: OK Go is the polymath band who – with only five bucks and a camcorder – did what none of the giant record labels could, inventing a new way for a band to connect with fans and changing the way people think about music and the Internet. Great story, though it overlooks the most important thing about the band: its music. What makes OK Go great is that they write and perform great songs.

Appearing at both events with OK Go will be Brisbane lads - Hungry Kids of Hungary

17.02.10The Hi-Fi BrisbaneQLD
21.02.10The Hi-Fi MelbourneVIC
Tickets for all shows will be available from OzTix retail outlets.
To find the closest OzTix retail outlet to you, click here.
