Georgia Maq's debut solo album, Pleaser, is going to come as a surprise for many. 

Best-known for her work as singer/guitarist in Melbourne band Camp Cope (who lean to the indie/punk style), Pleaser represents a firm shift in style for Maq. 

Described as "a love album" that's influenced by the likes of Lorde, Robyn, Charli XCX and Gwen Stefani, this sees her put down the guitar (for the most part anyway) and opt to make an electronic record for the first time.

What they're saying...

The Music's Jessica Dale caught up with Maq to find out more about Pleaser.

Jessica Dale: Firstly, happy album release day! It’s going to come as a pleasant surprise for everyone given that you’re announcing and releasing on the same day. Why did you choose to do it this way? 
Georgia Maq: Thank you!!!! Because the album is so different to anything I've ever shown anyone, I wanted it to be a surprise. When in doubt, freak 'em out.

JD: You’ve described Pleaser as "a love album". Can you tell us more about that? 
GM: To me, this album is about all the grey areas of love and emotions surrounding romance and intimacy, because it's never really black-and-white, and I wanted to show that through this album. I think it's more about my relationship with love, rather than the love itself.

JD: Why was now the right time for your debut solo album? 
GM: I started writing this album in June, and I wanted to get it done as quickly as possible and get it out as quickly as possible. I have no chill or patience.

JD: Pleaser offers a big shift in style from your work with Camp Cope. How did it end up an electronic album?
GM: It was very unintentional, it just turned out that way. It started with making Away From Love with Darcy Baylis in his bedroom one morning in early June, and then he got really busy making his album (which is amazing, BTW), and so I hit up my friend Katie [Dey] and she's very bedroom-electro pop. I was messing around with synths on Garageband at the time too, and was so in love with the sounds, so it just kinda turned out that way.

JD: You’ve said of this album that you took your time and played around with the tracks. Did recording this way give you a different kind of freedom than you’ve had with your previous solo and Camp Cope recordings?
Yes, because everything was at my fingertips and I could change things around and experiment with sounds as it was happening, there was definitely more freedom because small changes were so accessible. I think Katie and I have a relationship like two sisters and she understood exactly what I wanted and had so many brilliant ideas.
