Ricky Gervais' production company will pay compensation to a famous Aboriginal artist after a copy of his artwork was used in recent Netflix series, After Life.

As ABC reports, Derek Productions will pay an undisclosed amount to Warlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri for using the copy of 1987 work, Tingarri Dreaming, featured in the lounge room of Gervais' character, Tony.

"It's important that his work and the work of all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists is acknowledged and respected," Paul Sweeney of the Papunya Tula Artists collective, which represents Mr Tjapaltjarri, said.

It has also been confirmed that the UK company will pay an ongoing fee for the use of the artwork in season two of After Life which only wrapped filming last week. 

Copyright Agency chief executive Adam Suckling added, "The production company was very open to working with us to rectify the situation, agreeing to secure a retrospective licence for the first series and licensing a reproduction of an authorised copy for the second series, which recently wrapped filming and will be released in 2020."

The Music has contacted Derek Productions for further comment.
