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Australian musician Zheani Sparkes has filed a police report in Queensland against Die Antwoord rapper Watkin Tudor Jones, commonly known as Ninja.

As reported yesterday by The Sydney Morning Herald, Sparkes alleges she is a victim of revenge porn in the report. 

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) confirmed to The Music today a complaint in relation to the sharing of intimate images was made. 

"The complaint of the sharing of intimate images was thoroughly investigated and due to subsequent legal advice, it has been determined that the chance of a successful prosecution was unlikely," a QPS spokesperson told The Music

"The matter is now finalised, and the police have advised the complainant of this outcome."

The complaint comes following a spate of allegations against the band that have led to the cancellation of a run of festival dates, including most recently the release of footage of an alleged homophobic attack when the group were in Australia in 2012.

Sparkes released a video to her track The Question in March this year detailing her alleged experience, which dates back to June 2013.

“All I wanted was to move on with my life and leave their shit behind,” the video’s caption read

“I wanted to draw the line and finally speak the truth and stand up for myself. I can see through you people and I am no longer afraid of you.”

The Sydney Morning Herald has also reported the release of the video prompted another musician, Jade Carroll, to come forward with allegations. Die Antwoord’s former collaborator Benjay Crossman has also spoken to the publication about Jones’ behaviour.  

When contacted by The Sydney Morning Herald, Jones’ publicist provided a statement denying all allegations. 

"I shouldn't even have to take the time to say this, but these claims by Zheani Sparkes, Jade Carroll and Benjay Crossman are false," the statement reportedly said.

"I can't believe that the media is spending its time pursuing these wild and unsubstantiated stories from people who have an obvious agenda and animus against me."
