The Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) in Sydney is calling on residents to grab their sleeping bags and take part in the annual Newtopian Sleepout next month.

Now in its third year, the event sees participants sleep in Newtown Square to "gain deeper insights into homelessness as well as learning how to take practical local action".

“Homelessness is a growing issue in the Newtown area due to a range of complex issues including the chronic shortage of affordable and available rental housing, domestic and family violence, and economic and social exclusion,” NNC Chief Executive Liz Yeo said.

“In response to this growing demand, we decided as an organisation that we needed to take action immediately so we hired a new ‘Homelessness Services Coordinator’ who will work over the next 12 months towards securing appropriate permanent accommodation for 30 people.

"This investment has been possible thanks to the money raised by the people who took part in the previous Newtopian Sleepouts."

To sign up for this year's sleepout, taking place on Tuesday 6 August, click here.
