NSW Arts Minister Don Harwin has been accused of redirecting funding money from artists and art organisations to an unspecified project, following the poorest funding round in history this past July.

According to ABC, documents obtained found that only six organisations received $256,000 in funding despite recommendations for 17 projects to share a total of $660,000.

Among the recommendations included Sydney Fringe Festival (recommended to receive $35,000) and burgeoning artists (recommended to receive $32,000) to showcase their work at a new art space. 

The $404,000 missing from the funding was instead redirected towards one project which the name of in the documents was redacted. 

A further $220,000 was reportedly taking from other arts funds and put towards the unspecified project, which is yet to be publicly announced. 

"Funding is capped by budget availability, there are occasions when funding flexibility is needed," a spokesman from Harwin's office told ABC.

"This is not unusual for any government body and will continue to be the case."

Meanwhile, Opposition arts spokesman Walt Secord slammed the news as "absolutely disgraceful".

"[Harwin's] showing that he'd rather go to events where he can wear a tuxedo, rather than small, struggling community organisations, small struggling artists.

"I think it's absolutely disgraceful and he's robbed hundreds of artists to showcase their work."
