Labor MP Anthony Albanese has joined the campaign for ABC to purchase Radio Birdman's documentary after the broadcaster declined the offer last month.
It comes after the legendary Sydney band and the director, Jonathan Sequeira, called for public support for ABC to screen Descent into the Maelstrom – The Radio Birdman Story.
Albanese confirmed his support for the cause, announcing he had sent a letter to ABC TV's David Anderson on Friday.
"The band's visceral performances, attended by thousands, are an important part of Australia's musical history," the letter reads.
"Through the cunning use of archival and present day footage spliced together, Jonathan Sequeira has managed to capture the band's journey and outlaw reputation on film — a journey that was integral to the development of the independent music scene in Australia.
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"I implore the ABC to reconsider acquiring the rights to the film and for it to be broadcasted to the Australian public free-to-air."
See the full letter below.
In a statement given to The Music last month, Sequeira said: "At a time of budget cuts, it’s more important than ever that the ABC fulfils its charter, particularly in relation to Australian content, Australian identity and addressing market failure.
"Descent into the Maelstrom – The Radio Birdman Story represents a bargain opportunity for the ABC to do all these things."
The Music has contacted ABC for comment.
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