Sydney pub, club and bar staff are being trained to follow a new protocol to assist persons who feel unsafe, which will launch this weekend.
As The Daily Telegraph reports, persons who feel unsafe are encouraged to approach the bar and "Ask for Angela", where staff can then assist in helping the person leave the venue discretely or contact police on their behalf.
"Given the increasing popularity of online dating apps, many people are meeting for dates at bars, clubs and pubs having never met, beyond the screens of their phone or computer," Police Minister Troy Grant said.
"We don’t want people feeling intimidated when they’re socialising in the city. They’re out to enjoy themselves, not feel threatened, and this initiative supports their safety."
Central Metropolitan Region Police Commander Mark Walton added, "We are determined to prevent sexual assaults and if this campaign allows us to remove people from harm’s way, then it’s well worth it".
The "Ask for Angela" initiative comes after Central Metropolitan Region NSW Police analysts conducted research on sexual assault incidents in Sydney's CBD, Newtown, Kings Cross and Darlinghurst.