Considering all the gigs you’ve been going to, when was the last time you checked your hearing health?
Never? That's what we thought. Lucky for you, Audeara Headphones have just announced they will be heading along to Splendour In The Grass this year, installing a soundproof booth in the Very Small Suburb so that people can test their hearing via the headphones’ smart phone app.
Audeara will also be handing out ear plugs to punters to help protect their ears over the four day festival.
Invented by two Brisbane doctors, Audeara is the world's first full-fidelity headphone with a built-in hearing test that intuitively tailors the sound to an individual hearing profile. These personalised headphones work by making the sound clearer, not louder, and help to prevent ongoing damage and protect hearing.
The company was a showcasing start-up at BIGSOUND's inaugural Music Tech Showcase last year.
Audeara CEO Dr James Fielding said he was excited to introduce Audeara to music-lovers at Splendour and help increase awareness of hearing health.
“According to the HCIA [Hearing Care Industry Association], around 3.6 million Australians are affected by hearing loss and young people aged 12 to 35 are at greatest risk,” he said.
If you're heading along to Splendour this year, make sure you check out Audeara in the Very Small Suburb — your ears will thank you.