Organisers of This That festival have confirmed Sticky Fingers have withdrawn from the 2018 line-up.
The decision comes after calls for the band to be pulled from the bill were made following a string of allegations against a member of the Sydney band.
The This That team issued a statement regarding the decision on the festival website today.
"After long discussions, This That and Sticky Fingers have decided the band will no longer be performing at This That on Saturday 3 November," the statement reads.
"Sticky Fingers agreed with This That from the start that if their inclusion began to impact negatively on the other artists performing and our Newcastle and wider communities that it would be best if they refrain from performing.
"That's the decision we have both taken today."
Read the full statement here.
Meanwhile, Sticky Fingers have issued their own statement to Facebook today, writing, "We would like to thank the event for having us on the bill along with such an impressive line-up, but we have decided that the perpetrated negativity from a small pocket of the music industry that has been aimed at us through this period needs to be quarantined so it doesn’t affect other innocent parties- be they the other artists on the bill, THIS THAT festival itself, or the fans who wanted to see us play".
See Sticky Fingers post below.