Some of DREAMS' first-ever recordings are buried in a graveyard somewhere near Windsor Castle, Daniel Johns & Luke Steele have revealed.
In an interview with SBS's The Feed last night, the pair shared the story when asked what advice they would give their younger Silverchair and The Sleepy Jackson selves.
Initially sharing that they were probably too dramatic in their youth, they then went on to share where some of their recordings ended up….
"It was dramatic," laughed Johns.
"We would record in like Windsor, next to Windsor Castle and then you know, we were so high that then I'd say to Dan, 'Make sure you bury all of the songs next to the castle," so he buries all of our demos in a box…'" said Steele.
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"They're all buried and then I couldn't find them," Johns added.
"In a graveyard, next to Windsor Castle," continued Steele, chuckling.
"But that's serious, stuff like that when we were younger, it was like everything was so enormous and we were so protective of what we were doing, there's literally like eight demos burnt on a CD buried somewhere in the cemetery and I can't remember where," finished Johns.
Check out the full interview with Johns and Steele on The Feed here.
Johns will also be appearing on Interview with Andrew Denton tonight for his first solo interview in the best part of a decade.
A trailer released last week shows Johns opening up on his struggles with alcohol, anxiety, stage fright and more, telling Denton his "mind exploded". It airs on Channel Seven from 9pm.
Sydney Opera House, Sydney
Sydney Opera House, Sydney