A slew of devastated fans have taken to social media to air their disappointment around Coachella not livestreaming Eminem’s headline set.
After streaming performances from The Weeknd, Beyonce and more across the weekend, fans quickly noticed that Eminem’s weekend one closing set was missing from the livestream schedule, and that’s when all hell broke loose.
update: Beyoncé Sashayed, DREAMS Slayed & Justin Bieber Prayed: Coachella Week One Wrap-up
LA artist ETC!ETC! labelled the move “weak” via Twitter, with others saying he had let his fans down.
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Eminem is notorious for not allowing festivals to livestream his performance, with the same scenario unfolding at Reading last year.
The rapper reportedly brought 50 Cent and Dr Dre onstage with him at Coachella and received a wealth of praise online for his set from those in attendance.
The fact that Coachella isn't going to livestream @Eminem 's set is some grade A garbage. Like bruhhhh he was the one and only set I actually wanted to see. I feel cheated rn.
— GogY Gill (@gogygill26) April 16, 2018
Coachella isn’t streaming Eminem. I’m fucking pissed.
— Nicole Fisher (@TeamNicolee) April 16, 2018
So Coachella decided to not live stream Eminem's set...Disappointed is an understatement
— Weston Whittaker (@Weston_11) April 16, 2018
Thanks Coachella for not streaming Eminem
— Zain Ayoub (@ZainAyoub) April 16, 2018
Was excited all day to see Eminem perform on Coachella through YouTube and to find out he’s not even streaming his performance is LAME ......
— Alan Alas (@AlanAAlas) April 16, 2018
I don’t usually rant about things like this, but Coachella why ? The only artist that mattered on the whole list...#eminem
— David Dean (@LordDavidDean) April 16, 2018
Coachella streamed everyone , even dudes taking a shit in porter potty’s but can’t stream Eminem .. wack
— ETC!ETC! (@IAMETC) April 16, 2018
So I waited an hour to find out that Coachella will not be live streaming eminems concert well ain't that a bitch. #Eminem #Coachella18 pic.twitter.com/wb8UdRx9xO
— delfinacontreras (@DolphinDelfina) April 16, 2018
@Eminem what fucking bullshit. Waited all fucking weekend to watch your live stream @coachella . Way to let your fans down!! #stupid #sodisappointed
— Angel (@AngelCarrola_) April 16, 2018
Eminem sucks for not letting Coachella livestream him
— le$. (@_mamilesly) April 16, 2018