Is it un-Australian to not know the lyrics John Farnham's You're The Voice?
Look, probably not. But in this case, let's say yes.
Last night, cameras caught the Australian Prime Minister butchering his way through the iconic track as he stood arm-in-arm with the country's swimming team.
While nearly everyone packed into Carrara Stadium belted out the lyrics, Turnbull didn't look nearly as confident… and people noticed.
Check out the clip here and see the reaction below.
Malcolm Turnbull doesn’t know the words to John Farnham’s You’re the voice grounds for instant removal as Prime Minister #GC2018
— Mitch (@M_1tch) April 10, 2018
Ummmm how does Malcolm Turnbull not know the words to You’re the Voice???? that is practically unAustralian!!! #GC2018Swimming
— Shirley Davey (@shirlld) April 10, 2018
PM Malcolm Turnbull has just ensured a 31st consecutive negative poll with his poor effort at singing You're the Voice. Australia is appalled.#CommGames #auspol
— Rob McLean (@ReverendRobP10) April 10, 2018
Did I really just see Malcolm Turnbull not knowing the words to You’re The Voice #GC2018
— Nic (@Brittanamfeo) April 10, 2018
Malcolm Turnbull at the Commonwealth Games singing You're The Voice along with the crowd but he doesn't know the words. Bet he knows the words to all Beethoven's songs. #BringBackAbbott #auspol
— Stockton (@TheMikeStockton) April 10, 2018
Malcolm Turnbull arm in arm with the swim team, unable to sing You’re the Voice. I’m not sure if this is the most or least Australian thing I’ve ever seen?
— Karen Lyon (@klioness) April 10, 2018
Malcolm Turnbull not knowing the words to “You’re The Voice” is a disgrace! #CommonwealthGames2018
— Jesse (@Jesse__James) April 10, 2018
Birdsville, Birdsville