Australian dance artists have allegedly been found in a secret Facebook group where sexually explicit pictures and videos of women have been shared without consent.
As reported by ABC, The Signal podcast has uncovered the male-only group, Tracks & Snatch, which existed for around four years before being shut down.
"So it's called Tracks & Snatch… because they exchanged music — tracks — and photos of women — snatch," freelance reporter Phoebe Loomes said.
Loomes continued, "It's not innocent, it's private sex, there's Snapchats in there, it's all photos without these girls' permission.
"It was upskirts in clubs, girls passed out in clubs, girls passed out in bed after intercourse.
"And then as I found out more about the group I found out things that were worse — mid-sex videos," she said.
"It was a culture of one-up-manship, so as time went on the content became more and more extreme and more explicit."
It has been reported some men in the industry were briefly involved in the Facebook group, but left shortly after realising the kind of content that was shared on the page, including Sydney artist Rowan Dix (aka Joyride).
"It was I guess equal parts producers and music-makers from around the country sharing tracks that they'd made to other DJs but then also photos of women," Dix said.
"From sharing photos that these girls had posted online already, to photos that had been sent to these guys privately."
Listen to the full The Signal podcast here.