South Australian rock four-piece SIAMESE can now say that they’ve fought the law and the law…jammed with them, as vision surfaces of a SA police slaying at the band’s garage rehearsal.
The boys were having a bit of a practice when two police officers turned up after a noise complaint was reported. However, instead of telling them to pack it in they picked up a mic and starting belting Metallica’s Enter Sandman.
“Just as we were warming up again, two cops came down the driveway to let us know there had been a noise complaint. Our soon to be newest jam member asked if we’d just been playing Metallica, when they found out that we had they would not leave without hearing us.” the band told the Music.
“Once we invited them into the practice room, one of the cops started telling us about how he had played bass for most of his life and that he loved Metallica. We asked him if he knew the words and if he’d like to jam it, which took a bit of convincing, but he aced it.”
Sadly, we’ll never know who the mystery musical law enforcers were as they departed without so much as a phone number, leaving the band with only fond memories.
“Unfortunately, they remain nameless but forever in our hearts.”
Check out the footage from the police/musician jam below.